Feb 25, 2017
No More Internet After Brushing My Teeth: A Prescription for Sleeping Well
Anyone living with a smartphone can attest to having this nightly addiction. Phone in hand, lying in bed, scrolling email, news feeds,...

Jan 17, 2017
Nourish the Well - Nourish the Soul
Deep within me is a Well. Some call it the Soul. Essence. True Being. Spirit. Vital Force. Whichever descriptive we choose - it exists....

Jan 15, 2017
The Superpowers of Stomach Qi
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow...

Jan 12, 2017
Winter Warriors
Winter arrives and we wonder, "How am I going to get through another cold day?" Like a warrior - with a plan of action and some healthy...

Jul 29, 2016
The Spice Box
Check out this Facebook Live Video I did with Dr. Smita Malhotra on the health benefits of Indian spices! Add some new flavors and a kick...